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Maldives sentences Islamist leader to 12 years for terrorism

Criminal court on Tuesday found Islamist leader Imran Abdulla guilty of terrorism and sentenced him to 12 years in prison.

 Sheikh Imran speaking during the anti-government on May 1, 2015. HAVEERU FILE PHOTO

Religious conservative Adhaalath Party president Imran was found guilty of terrorism charges for inciting violence during an opposition rally on May Day.

The court was originally to deliver a verdict on the case at 4pm Tuesday. However, the court had pushed back the sentencing to a hearing at 8.30pm.

The prosecution had claimed that the violence which occurred during the May Day protests were the result of the “hate speeches” made by opposition leaders, including Imran. Imran was also accused of directly threatening President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom during the speech.

Delivering the verdict, judge Abdul Bari Yousuf, who had looked into the case, said the court was of the view that Imran's speech and his actions during the protest had led to violence.

Outlining the reasons for the sentence, judge Yousuf said Adhaalath Party had not tried to stop the violence. Organisers are liable under the Freedom of Assembly Act for any violence at a gathering if they do not try to stop it, he added.

According to the judge, organisers had called on the protestors to head to the area near the Islamic Centre, which is a high security zone where gatherings cannot take place. Other forms of violence during the protest included breaking up police barricades in a pickup and brutally beating up police officers, he said.

Judge Yousuf reminded defence attorneys of their right to appeal.

Exiting the court room after the verdict, Imran, who was handcuffed to the front, shook hands with his wife and relatives while chatting with them. Journalists cited Imran, who had displayed signs of unease following the verdict, of advising his wife to raise their children according to Islamic principles; to ensure that they offer the five daily prayers and to teach them to recite the Muslim holy book of Quran. 
Prior to the verdict, Criminal Court had heard from all the witnesses presented by the prosecution, and had issued a court-initiated summons to an unidentified expert. The court had, however, scrapped its plan to summon the linguistic experts. Witnesses presented by the defence had also been rejected.

During the trial, Imran had requested that the judge looking into his case be changed.

In separate letters, Imran had requested then chief criminal judge Abdulla Mohamed and Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed to transfer his case to another judge. Judge Yousuf, who had  taken over the trial single-handed after the three-member bench that had previously been looking into the case was abolished, had violated several trial procedures, he has said.
The Islamist leader had also sought an injunction from the High Court to put his trial on hold until a new judge is appointed. The request, however, was denied.
Days after the request for the judge transfer, Imran was taken back to prison.

The Islamist leader was placed under house arrest on October 13, when his trial resumed after a long hiatus.

However, a repeal order by the Criminal Court on February 6 overturned the previous order and issued instructions that he be held at a location of the home ministry’s choosing until the end of his trial.

Transcript of the speech delivered by Imran at the May Day protest, as released by his attorneys, for which his sentence was based on:

Date: 1st of May 2015

Area: Boduthakurufaanu Magu towards the direction of the Youth Ministry / From the Protest.

Starting Time of the Speech: 17:40

Hold this…. Hold this.
Yes okay!

(Started with due prayers)

To bring an end to brutality – To bring an end to brutality – To all the courageous, honourable and dear Maldivian heroes gathered here on the 1st of May, may the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you.

Yes, we have gathered here to bring an end to brutality,

Why are we all here? (The participants in the crowd responded “To bring an end to brutality”)

Why are we here? (The participants in the crowd responded “To bring an end to brutality”)

Look Ahmed Adeeb! Look Ahmed Adeeb! We are gathered here (The participants in the crowd responded “To bring an end”)

We are gathered here to bring an end to brutality (The participants in the crowd responded “To bring an end”)

We are gathered here to bring an end to brutality (The participants in the crowd responded “To bring an end”)

Yes, Humam spoke the truth. Humam spoke the truth. Human said – Both President Yameen and Ahmed Adeeb would know the people who murdered Dr. Afrasheem best. Both of them would know. Yes, these two people are the most brutal two people in this country. We all stand against this brutality. To bring an end to this brutality. Are you people ready? Are you ready? Do you have the courage? Are you ready?

None of you must step back, none of you must step back, with courage step forward, yes! This country of ours, our dear nation has with the blessings of Allah been a free, independent, proud, honourable, benevolent and peaceful country since 2500 years ago. That was how we maintained our country. This country is moving forward in that way. It is a duty of you dear citizens to deliver this country in that way to our future generations. It is a duty of you dear citizens to deliver this country in that way. Are you ready to do that? Are you ready? Are you ready to do that? Yes! This country, we have to deliver this country to our future generations. Shall I say? We had to come until this day, we had to come until this day, brutality – we have no means of saving ourselves from a brutal government. I speak to President Yameen. In order to bring President Yameen’s government, I worked extremely hard (He paused due to a large sound). In order to bring the government, we worked extremely hard. And after that we worked extremely hard in order to maintain the government in a good way. As a responsibility of my own, I showed the government every possible path. I assisted the government. I tried to move forward with the government. Yes this work, one after the other, events unravelled and upon the case of Colonel Nazim I knew, I was sure, this government did not have a single good intention. Not a single bit of sincerity. No kindness for the citizens. No compassion for the citizens. No spirit of moving forward with the citizens, no ambition.

Yes! From this moment onwards, after studying Colonel Nazim’s case, I knew with great clarity the truth behind this case. No doubt, this was the doing of both Ahmed Adeeb and Hussein Waheed. Yes today, you all must put an end to the doings of these two people. Must send these two people home, alright? (The participants supported these statements and voiced their approval…). Yes, Ahmed Adeeb and, Ahmed Adeeb and Hussein Waheed, all legal procedures required must be followed with respect to them and the responsibility of it all is on your heads. Are you ready? (Participants said they were ready and voiced out..)

We are informing very clearly. We are informing very clearly, be it President Yameen, Ahmed Adeeb or Hussein Waheed, we will not inflict any harm. We are not hurtful people. We are people against brutality. We came out against brutality. Therefore, no matter how serious an offender he/she is, God willingly they will suffer no harm from us. We will not harm. But, we are people who will deliver rights. People who will uphold rights on this ground. People who will deliver justice. We will obtain rights. Are you people ready? Are you people ready? Yes, it is in your hands alright?

Yes! Today we had to come this far, today, it has been roughly more than 2 years since the murder of our Dr. Afrasheem, being roughly 2 years, according to what Humam said, President Yameen and Ahmed Adeeb know best. Until today, President Yameen has sincerely done nothing to investigate and solve Dr. Afrasheem’s case. As a result, when the blood of our citizens are being shed, a leader who would not uphold the rights of the blood spilled is not a leader who can stay alright? Such a person wouldn’t stay alright? From now on, President Yameen can continue to stay on, only after he comes to the table with us. He will be watching now. I’m saying. Keep courage within yourselves. Keep courage. President Yameen – we do not want to govern. We do not want to topple the government. We do not want anyone’s government. Neverthless, we want to obtain rights for the innocent blood that has been spilled. We will do that today God willingly. We will do that today with the blessings of Allah.

Yes! We have witnessed, we have witnessed, the Rilwan who we can see from here. Yes Rilwan, until today, the police have been unable to provide any information on whatever happened to Rilwan. The Police do know what happened. The Police do know what happened. There are reports at the Police. The investigation is at the Police. But, this brutal government, Ahmed Adeeb and Hussein Waheed have withheld these reports. There shall be no room for this from today onwards. From today onwards, there shall be no room for this God willingly. If Allah Almighty wills. From today onwards, there shall be no room to withhold these reports. We receive different news, according to what some people say, he has been chopped up and put into a sack, according to some others, he has been sunk into the depths of the ocean. The truth behind this need to be revealed by the police.

Yes! In relation to Dr. Afrasheem, roughly 7 people related to Dr. Afrasheem were killed and fallen onto this ground. What is the reality that Yameen knows? On the day Yameen repeatedly spoke out from his own tongue and convicted Humam, he said that it would easier to find the real murderers once Human had been sentenced to the death penalty. Here it is in my hands… (He turned to his back and reached out his hand)… Here are the documents alright?... (Then lifted some papers up in the air)… I have all the documents in my hands. Since there is no time today… (Then, again he turned to his back and lifted some papers in an envelope from someone in the back)… Here they are alright? Dear Maldivian citizens. Here they are alright? Here are the documents… (He lifted the documents up in the air one by one and showed them to the crowd)… for these rights. Behind this is, Hussein Wahee – Hussein Waheed and, Hussein Waheed and, Hussein Waheed and Adeeb. Yes, if we let this go, our country will never be able to save itself. Ahmed Adeeb is connected, Ahmed Adeeb is connected. We spoke even last night. Ahmed Adeeb is connected to the world’s most powerful mafia gangs. The world’s mafia gangs control him.

All dear citizens, if you let it go today, this country can never be able to save itself. This country cannot save itself in the years to come. Yes therefore, we have to move forward with great confirmation. To move forward with great confirmation.

All dear citizens. Be patient. Be patient. We will make dua at nightfall. After making dua, you all must stand up in a different manner. Until then be patient, be patient. Upon concluding, I would like to give a very clear message to our dear police and military forces. Yes, it is very clearly stated in this country’s constitution that it is a government of the people. The government will be maintained by the people and the people will thus protect this government. We citizens brought the government and when this brutal government is gotten rid of, it is the responsibility of the citizens to ameliorate the government. And especially in the current world, in such an environment, it is the responsibility of the citizens to ameliorate the government when it has fallen off the wagon. Yes, in the work that is being done for the citizens to ameliorate the government, do not graze the bodies of citizens with your fingertips with anything but their rights. Do not harm any citizen. Do not abuse any citizen. You all are us. We are you. Today, in saving this country from brutality, in saving it from the hands of evildoers, give your assistance to these dear Maldivian citizens. Approximately 35000 dear Maldivian citizens gathered here today represent approximately 300,000 citizens of this country. Yes therefore, there is no government that the police and military have to protect having caused harm to these citizens. There is no minister that the police and military have to protect having disregarded these citizens.

Yes therefore, we are well aware of the fact that Ahmed Adeeb pays several million Maldivian Rufiyaa to some police and lets out gang children out on the streets to harm us, to cause us loss, and to cause bloodshed from our bodies. Therefore, our dear police, give no room for any police caught under the spell of Ahmed Adeeb to cause any harm to our people. Keep us in the way of justice and keep us in the right way. Dear benevolent, honest police and military, keep to your promise and your promise to save dear Maldivian citizens from bloodshed from our bodies, from breaking a part of our bodies, from beating us with batons. Do not cause bloodshed from the bodies of these citizens. We do not want a single drop of blood to shed onto the ground from the body of a single citizen. I swear upon the Almighty Allah, that I do not want a single drop of blood to shed onto the ground from the body of a single citizen. We do not want. But Ahmed Adeeb would order to even gunfire. He would order to even kill these citizens. Help these citizens. Help these citizens earn their rights. Stand with the citizens. Move forward with the citizens. These two departments are our two safeguarding departments. This country’s most honourable, most prestigious, most respectable two departments. We stand together with both departments. We all stand under the protection of both departments. Both departments shall move forward.

Yes therefore, in this activity, our members in high positions, yes, our members in high positions will advise you all as to what is to be done and how to get it done. Step forward in that way. If Allah Almighty wills, this brutality, if Allah Almighty wills, this brutality shall be brought to an end. Your courage, your objective, your readiness, are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready? Have courage.

Thank you very much. (And then, he concluded the speech after prayers and recitals).

End time of speech: 17:52

Script written by:
Police Sergeant, Shuaib Abdulrahman (S. Number: 3249)

Script checked by:
Police Sergeant, Ali Rizaa (S. Number: 2414)


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