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How to Promote Teamwork in the Office

Wherever there’s work to do inside the office, you can always depend on teamwork. But teamwork is not something all departments have. It is a value managers try to instill in their team. In your office, how do you promote teamwork so you can maximize your team’s potential?

Emphasize the importance of teamwork when you hold meetings, seminars and even during social functions such MAAHEFUN.  Mention how teamwork has helped you achieve organization milestones during your speech and remarks.

Have an open communication with your team. Make sure that everyone on your team realizes the institute’s objectives, policies, and especially the vision. Only a team who comprehends the goal can hope to achieve it.

The system should promote interdependence. One main reason why employees do not interact with one another is because they don’t have to. If your system calls for various interactions among your staff, it is inevitable that they will function as a team.

Use obstacles to strengthen your team spirit. Interdependence is strong when there are deadlines to beat.

Organize team building activities every year. The importance of having fun outside work is just as important as having fun during office hours. Teambuilding activities such as swimming, picnic, or just eating outside with a few drinks helps improve the working relationship.

Provide training and workshops. Colleagues working their way up a promotion might end up having rifts and issues. Activities such as training, seminars and workshops promote healthy competition.


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