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Maldives entered to a new history of its political life being all cabinet ministers resigned lively through national TV – TVM

by Mohamed Firaz
With the latest Presidential election the small nation of friendly and peaceful society got a new dawn of freedom and free society on 11th November 2008, when the hero of democracy, Mr. President Mohamed Nasheed has taken oath of President Office officially. The previous dictatorship’s regime was totally an era of torture and confused society in all means of life like civil laws, freedom, human rights and more specifically extremisms of bureaucracy. The people used to live in a diffused society of drugs and major crimes. The dictator had been very successful in creating a criminal society with thousands of drug addicts; the younger generation has been washed with all colors of materialistic life for the sake of statesmanship. In 2008 July records evidence that more than 20,000 (aged 18 to 23, both man and woman) people had been fallen as victims of Drugs and Child abuse were very common at times.

On various occasions the Peoples’ Majlis Parliamentarians have tried to grab the powers of nation’s executive through out the Constitutional law amendments against the spirit of the constitution of the Republic of Maldives and other civil laws. The ultimate goal of those opposition MPs have been narrowing powers of President Nasheed and bringing an end to this democratically elected government. The President Nasheed had been in patience before and has acted as a watchdog of previous Parliamentary Proceedings and directly the Opposition MPs bottlenecks the active Manifesto framed by the Coalition Government towards building a new Maldives.

Today at 4:00 pm all Cabinet Ministers of President Nasheed submitted their letters of Resignation. In fact the resignation happened lively on 5 pm on TVM. Cabinet Ministers claim that the Opposition MPs are trying to “hijack” executive powers and throwing obstacles to implementation of Ministries policies which are framed to achieve the national-wide manifesto of Coalition government. The President in the Press Conference has highlighted very clearly and stressed many times that he will investigate the due accusations raised by His all Cabinet Ministers and also the President said that it is bound duty of him to proceed with investigation as soon as possible. The president highlighted that he will utilize all his powers within the framework of constitution of the Republic of Maldives; the assistance of Maldives Police Service and The Maldives National Defence Force will be used its highest levels.

At press conference President Nasheed further revealed that without Cabinet Ministers the Government will be run in a way that a little hindrance to the civic society will not be placed in providing services. Speaking with this, President Nasheed said that the reason of sustaining this government is to foster service to the people. President also informed the Media, it is not the policy of government just to undertake nation-building programs slowly. The citizens of the country Maldives believed that President Nasheed is a very successful statesman in recovering the country and implementing nation-building major investments speedier than ever before.

With this Resignation of Entire cabinet of President Nasheed, the people of Maldives has been in a very cautious momentum for the last two-three hours. But the future of this country is very certain with the high levels of cash inflows from Foreign Direct Investments and reducing the gearing ratio of the country considerably. Privatization has been a very successful mean to mobiles additional revenues for the government which in turn will be spent on Country’s public Expenditure.

I wonder whether the Opposition Parliamentarians are so uneducated that they do not understand the real meaning of separation of powers – Maldives has three wings in its administration – executive, legal, judicial- I am very much sure that it is not possible to create an Idle State which Aristotle has developed more than 2500 years ago for the Opposition MPs.


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