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Maldives rakes up Indo-Pak ties at SAARC Summit

In unusual comments at the SAARC forum, President Mohamed Nasheed today talked about strained relations between India and Pakistan, saying that he hoped that tomorrow's meeting between the two countries' prime ministers will lead to resolution of their differences.

Addressing the 16th SAARC Summit, President Mohamed Nasheed said he hopes that leaders of India and Pakistan will have effective conversation and resolve their differences.

Nasheed, who spoke extempore, said he hoped that the "conversation will lead to greater dialogue between India and Pakistan."

The remarks came as a surprise as normally bilateral issues and relations are not raked up in the multilateral forum of SAARC.

Prime minister Manmohan Singh is meeting his Pakistani counterpart Yousuf Raza Gilani tomorrow.

The comments also reflected the common feeling that the relations between India and Pakistan mostly overshadow SAARC meetings.


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