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Strangest Earrings

Like a thermometer, these Thermoscope Earrings created by LeeAnn Herreid register temperature changes with red alcohol that rises and falls, so while you don't know exactly how warm the Earth has gotten with global warming and all, you can still look pretty hot wearing them.

You can order any combination of letters for this awesome Scrabble Earrings, although they seem to have a backorder on letters J and K.

PETA, anyone? This is a pair of genuine taxidermy squirrel feet earrings. They hang from ornate Victorian-inspired posts and measure 1 1/2″ long without post.

These iRings are a pair of iPod earbuds, mutilated and turned into a little girls' (well, at least I hope) fashion statement. The iRings are not available in stores yet, but hey, how hard could it be to turn earbuds into earrings?

Made from real blocks, don't leave these Lego Earrings near children without supervision, or else you might have a surprise

These fun Space Invaders Earrings are made from hand woven panels of delica beads, each one measures about 2.5 cm squares and they come in a variety of colours.

Bulb earrings, from Russia with love

Now this would be fun to wear, a pair of retro Apple Jacks Cereal earrings. You can actually buy them online

Believe it or not, these Spock Ear Earrings actually won The Overall Design Award for the Bridal Wear Category at the 9th Indian Jewellery Design Competition.If you really are into the elf ear look, however, there is a surgery now you can have to make the permanent change, called "ear sculpting".


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އިބުނު ސީނާ 980-1037މ

ލިޔުނީ: ޝެއިޚް އަހުމަދު ދީދީ އިބްނުސީނާއަކީ މުސްލިމުންގެ އެންމެބޮޑު ބޭސްވެރިޔާއެވެ. އާދަޔާޚިލާފަށް ހަނދާންގަދަ މައުލޫމާތު ވަރަސް މުއްސަނދި ލާމަޘީލު ޢިލްމީ ޝަޚުޞިއްޔަތެކެވެ. އިބްނުސީނާ ލިޔުއްވި ފޮތްތަކުގެ ޢަދަދު ސަތޭކައަށްވުރެން ގިނައެވެ. ބޭސްވެރިކަމުގައި ލިޔުއްވި އެންމެ މަޝްހޫރު ފޮތަކީ އަލްޤާނޫނުއެވެ. މިފޮތް އެކުލެވިފައިވަނީ ފަސް މުޖައްލަދަށެވެ. ފަސްވަނަ މުޖައްލަދުގައި ޢައްޠާރީބޭހުގެ ބާވަތްތަކާއި ޢަޤާޤީރުގެ ޔޫނާނީންނާއި ފާރިސީންނާއި ހިންދުމީހުންނާއި ޗައިނާމީހުން ބޭނުންކުރި ވަރަށްގިނަ މުފްރަދު ބޭހާއި މުރައްކަބު ބޭސް ބަޔާން ކުރައްވާފައިވެއެވެ. އިބްނުސީނާގެ ފުރިހަމަ ނަމަކީ އަބޫޢަލިލްޙަސަން އިބްނު ސީނާ އެވެ. ދުނިޔޭގެ އަލިކަން ދެކެވަޑައިގަތީ 980މ. ގައި އަފްޣާނިސްތާނުގެ އުތުރު ރަށެއްކަމަށްވާ ޙަރްމައިތިން ގައެވެ. އެރަށް މިހާރު އޮތީ ތުރުކިސްތާނުގެ (އުޒުބަކިސްތާނުގެ) ބުޚާރާކާރީގައެވެ. އޭނާގެ މަންމައާއި ބައްޕައަކީ އަފްޣާނިސްތާނުގެ ދެބޭފުޅުންނެވެ. ހިޖުރީގޮތުން ހަތަރުވަނަ ޤަރުނުގެ ފަހުކޮޅުގައި އުމުރުން ދިހަ އަހަރުވެސް ފުރިހަމަ ނުވަނީސް އިބްނު ސީނާ ބުޚާރާ ސަހަރުގެ އެކިއެކި ތަޢުލީމީ މުއައް