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President Nasheed receives ‘Champion of the Earth’

President Nasheed has received the ‘Champions of the Earth’ Award, the United Nations’ most prestigious environmental prize.

The President was awarded the prize, in the category of policy and leadership, during a ceremony today in South, Korea.

President Nasheed accepted the award on behalf of the whole Maldives. He said he was “humbled by this recognition” and that it was his “duty to continue working” in this regard.

He also said the prize was recognition of the growing importance of the Maldives on the issue of global climate change.

The awards are being held in conjunction with the Business for the Environment Global Summit, which is being attended by more than 1,000 representatives from business, government, and civil society.

Previous Champions of the Earth Award winners include former Vice President of the United States, Al Gore, and former Prime Minister of New Zealand Helen Clark.


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